One interesting sidelight of government in Oz is that parliament is not in near-perpetual session as in the US. So, during there periodic sessions (this may not seem so unusual if you consider that the population of the country is smaller than Texas and California, and a wee bit bigger than New York) there is extensive live coverage on radio & TV of the debates and other proceedings of parliament - rather like CSPAN, but with the speeches actually given to a chamber with people in attendance. Yesterday there was a vote on broadband coverage that called for a "division" - a formal vote count rather than just a audible "The Ayes have it." So, the first line from the speaker was "Lock the Doors." Then the ayes line up and walk by on one side of the speakers chair, and the no's on the other side of the chair and are count by 4 "tellers" - 2 from each party.
The current hot topics are a proposed carbon tax, and a proposal for regulation and encouragement of broadband internet service to the country.
In the news, these follow just behind the news that Ricky Ponting resigned as captain of the national cricket team.
One other interesting little tidbit: I can't recall having heard or seen anyone referred to as a wife, husband, or spouse. Partner - both in casual conversation and in news reports. I've been introduced to people's partners, heard of their partners. And, in the news, the businessmen and politicians have partners (including the front page picture of a politician with his hand casually planted on the bum of a young lady who appeared to be about half his age - his "partner").
Off to work.
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